# TISGraph XML Document Format
Internally, documents in TISGraph are being stored in XML format in the database. These XML files mainly contain meta information such as the document's page format, pages, layers etc. as well as the positioning and properties of graphic objects such as graphs, arrows or embedded images. Notably, document XMLs do not contain any measurement data. This is because, for each data-holding object, the data is loaded dynamically from the configured TISGraph data source URL.
For archiving or diagnosis purposes, TISGraph documents can be exported in XML format, as well as imported again.
Specifically, documents can be
- exported in XML format for the purposes of exchanging documents
- exported as a ZIP file (contents: document as XML as well any relevant files such as images) for error diagnosis. At least within the same TISGraph version, any document exported in XML format can be re-imported in the same state.
# XML Import
Documents can be imported from document XML files via the menu point File → Import.
A document imported this way is considered no different from any regularly created documents, due to all documents being XML files in the first place. This means no functionality is lost for imported documents.
ZIP file exports contain the document as it was on the time of export as well as potential data which was loaded into it at the time of export. They are normally not meant to be imported by the average TISGraph user, rather they are meant to be analyzed by TISGraph support for error diagnosis.
# XML Export
Documents can be exported into either XML or ZIP files under the menu point File → Export. The former case is useful for archiving purposes or to transfer (re-import) them into a different TISGraph instance.
The latter case zips the document XML along with all data which was currently loaded in its data objects, as well as embedded objects such as images. Files which are not TISGraph native such as images or binaries can only be exported in the exact same state they were imported in.
Exporting into ZIP files mainly serves to compress all context-relevant information for analysis by tech support, since context is very important to find the source of e.g. a render error in a graph.