# Basic Installation Guide

This section guides you through the basic setup of TISGraph with the KISTERS WISKI integration.

The following sections cover more advanced topics like OAuth setup or access to the SSH management console of the underlying osgi-runner container.

# Prerequisites

  1. A working WISKI Server setup.
  2. wiskidataccess API Java files:
    • wiskidataaccess-interface-7.4.13-SR11.jar
    • wiskidataaccess-bundle-7.4.13-SR11.jar
  3. ITEG Installation files:
    • osgi-runner-3.5.0-1-setup-x64.exe
    • bundles-pkg-3.9.4-1-setup.exe
    • tisgraph-bundles-

# Basic Installation

# java-17 Installation

A working java-17 installation is needed in order to install osgi-runner/TISGraph.

You can install openjdk-17 from the Eclipse Adoptium Project download site (opens new window)

If you prefer to use java-17 as shipped with KISTERS WISKI, make sure to add the followng keys to you registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The lines above might be scopies to a wiski-java-17.reg file and execute in order to give the following result in regedit.exe:

final java-17 registry keys

# osgi-runner Installation

After installing java-17 you can execute osgi-runner-3.x.y-z-setup-x64.exe in order to install ITEG's OSGi container.

Important During the installation, a random password for the administrative user osgi is generated and shown. Please store this password in a safe place, it used lateron for configuring the application.

If you upgrade from an older installation, the default karaf user with password karaf will be retained.

The installer installs service called clazzes.org osgi-runner, which might be started/stopped on the command line by

net start osgi-runner
net stop osgi-runner

In order to make the WISKI certificate configuration folder accessible to wiskidataaccess, you have to add the java option


using the osgi-runnerw.exe executable as shown in the following screenshot:

osgi-runner properties

The option -Doracle.net.tns_admin is only necessary for oracle-based installations.

# Basic Java Library Installation

After installing osgi-runner you can execute bundles-pkg-3.x.y-z-setup.exe in order to install ITEG's collected base libraries.

The libraray collection to be selected is show in the following screenshot:

Selection of Libraries

When scrolling down, the JDBC driver (MSSQL or Oracle) may be selected:

Selection of JDBC Driver

# wiskidatacess Bundles Installation

The files


must be copied to the deploy folder of the osgi-runner instalaltion before actually installing TISGraph.

# TISGraph Installation

After installing bundles-pkg you can execute tisgraph-1.2.x.y-z-setup.exe in order to install the TISGraph application.

Installation of TISGraph Bundles

# Basic TISGraph configuration

Direct your browser to http://localhost:8081/tisgraph/admin/admin.html (opens new window), sign on with the user osgiand the generated password from the osgi-runner installation. For migrated installations, use usename karaf with password karaf.

The shown wizard let's you configure the connection to the WISKI server and the database connection.

Afterwards, direct your browser to http://localhost:8081/tisgraph/ (opens new window)